Nested in the heart of Beit Misk; Misk 2200 is high-end residential private residence. FACE was awarded all MEP works.

Nested in the heart of Beit Misk; Misk 2200 is high-end residential private residence. FACE was awarded all MEP works.
PATCHI l’atelier is a mixed-use restaurant, retail shop, and central kitchen nested in the heart of Ashrafiyeh. FACE was awarded MEP works. Our scope includes an underground industrial kitchen beside the retail/restaurant area.
Located in Faraya Chabrouh area; Faraya 1125 is High-end residential villa designed by Carl Gerges Architects. FACE scope of work includes all MEP works.
Located in Faqra-Mont Lebanon; Faqra 8193 is High end residential villa designed by Issam Barhouch Architects. FACE scope of work includes all MEP works.
Located in Beirut, Lebanon. This 1200 m2 office refurbishment is designed by Eliane Zakhem Architect. FACE scope of work includes all MEP works.
Located in Doha, Qatar. Kasibeyaz is a fine dining Turkish restaurant. It consists of 2500 m2 central kitchen along with 4000 m2 reception area. FACE scope of works includes all MEP works.
Located in Tema- Ghana; FEL warehouses consists of 6000 m2 industrial warehouse including 1200 m2 of office space. FACE scope of works includes all MEP works.
Fire Fighting Fire Suppression System (CO2, FM 200) – Sprinklers System Dry and Wet risers (Landing Valves, Fire Hose Reel Cabinets) Fire Pumps Installation (as per UL and EN norms)
Plumbing Sanitary Chilled water systems Variable refrigeration Volume (VRV) and DX system Galvanized, steel and stainless Ducting Air outlets Air treatment and ventilation systems Boilers and heat exchangers
HVAC Water Distribution Irrigation Systems and Control Water Treatment Drainage Networks Swimming Pools Water Features Pumps and Expansion Tanks Fuel Systems Compressed Air, Vacuum and Gas Systems
Maintenance Residential Maintenance Industrial Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Corrective Maintenance
Green Technology Solar Water Heating System Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Waste Treatment Sewage Plant Energy Recovery Systems
Electrical Services Power Distribution Systems High and Low Current Systems Lighting Systems Earthling Systems CCTV Systems Communication Systems Data and Structured Cabling Fire Detection Systems Alarm and Intrusion Systems Home Automation Distribution Panel Boards Generators Sets and Transformers
Located in Beit Merry – Mont Lebanon; this old traditional house is fully under renovation. FACE scope of work includes all MEP works.
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SAIFI 477 is a luxurious residential building located in the heart of Beirut. The project consists of 7 basements and 18 upper floors. FACE’s scope of work includes all Electrical and Mechanical works.